An education grounded in the Catholic faith along with the spirit of Salesian tradition.
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An education grounded in the Catholic faith along with the spirit of Salesian tradition.
Challenging students to think critically, write clearly, and strive for their academic best.
Called to "Live Jesus" in thought, word, and action through citizenship and service.
Congrats to MAA grad Kat Locke-Jones who was named Maryland Teacher of the Year! Click here to read the press release.
Mount Aviat’s PreK Program has received a Quality Rating of 5–the highest rating that can be achieved through Maryland EXCELS!
Join us for the 12th Annual MAA 5K & Sister Walk! Register now for early bird pricing which includes a t-shirt. Click here for more information.
We invite you to learn more about the deep-rooted history of Mount Aviat Academy. Click here for our story...